söndag 20 juli 2008


Veckans tema på http://fototriss.blogspot.com/ är gammalt.

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7 kommentarer:

annette sa...

Toppenfina bilder, gillar ju bilar, så det får bli min favorit, men svårt att välja.

Ha DEt bra!


Nollan sa...

Här var det gamla grejer av diverse slag. Gillar den andra bilden, gissar att det är rök eller något som gör att bilden ser ut att ha en patina som förstärker känslan av gammalt.

Lena sa...

Vilka trevliga kontraster mellan dina bilder. Fina är de. Jag gillar nog bilen bäst. KRAMEN!

Anonym sa...

jag gillar den första, helt klart!
sov gott!

Ellas Inspiration sa...

Vilka roliga tolkningar!

Härligt med bröllop..

Ha en bra dag!

Kram Karin

Anonym sa...

Fina bilder men den andra gillar jag bäst. Dock lite väl dimmig av rök? eller vad det nu är men fin i alla fall.

Anonym sa...

Lika med CIA (kostade ju rättspengar från Egyptienavisningarna).
Judarna är ju mångdubbelt värre.
Jag anser att all militär personal ska väck.
Eller då ambassader och beskickningar etc .
Nödvärnsrätt etc i Sverige (hotar dom svenska liv så ska dom hotas tillbaka )
Force Majeure
Försvaret är varje individ (demokrati= 1 röst 1 aktie i landet 1 försvar).
Lagens intention (s k civilkuragelag = få väck rättsrekvisit i landet och avlägsna inre hot eller då yttre hot som dom är).

Am Communist Party wrote a book, "We will never surrender" (named = but historical analysis of old austria hungary, was sold in few copies)


We can not survive without neoliberalism (am project = information, force, its own responsibility, etc).
Sex, violence and work.
Then, it is the Jewish question - many Jews in the labour movement (selling in intellectual solutions that kommunistpacket today "mass empty words without substance").
The same mentality today = perhaps that nature is moving towards eradication. The control of some media - and similar organizations.
The Devil's people (easy on eliminating).

Count 1 million times
What gave nybyggaranda etc

Spider, which can kill judgement

It was a jew girl who now is named Rebecca Lord
She was not horny, but well on the crafty manipulation of others (Rebecca mata hari).
She was fitted and dejected, but one day she committed suicide.
Then came a klumpedunsröv from israeli higher uni, Haifa, and would learn empiricism but then struck schizopartikeln to, and it scratched at the robber and he pulled out a hemorojd
it was shown to contain a worm that later destroyed a large part of the human world

it was late in the history books
astroillium israelis

particle =
nervous system has, of course, new data on databasförmåga (activates when the schizophrenia of us)
Tex send nano-robots and religious cultural context and play on (socialpsykologi) and then endanger humanity
threat to humanity

when you sit in a solitary confinement (by 1000 mdr who really would gone to the West-am project) and attackhund who rapes and våldsmusik

Chinese-Chinese person who he said
now gaining ground, we manchuriet
so hästarmén who was genklonad
and sold his Old Norse kýr
it turned out later that he was a little underestimated
so it impoterade a cow

(vv spread on)

Brainlaw for optional (energy used right tex alpha waves)
Props in EUrope

Obama = optional, and be able to govern, one should say have 300 iqpoäng otherwise is not optional.
Individuals should be able to control the environment (cf. chosen best in the past to defend the stem end, but today also the environment, science, art, personalities, creativity and above all the complexity).
Set is most important (based on 300 and a superstructure)

We would introduce the following countries
